Welcome to Ideal Smiles Dental From our state-of-the-art offices in Staten Island, our experienced dentists and staff expertly treat all dentistry related conditions. If you are in need of any  cosmetic dentistry, root canals, emergency dentistry, Invisalign, general dentistry, crowns, dentures, tooth whitening or any other dentistry related service, call us today at 718-535-1196 to… Continue Reading

About Us

Dr. Kluchman and Dr. Shtarkman were trained by some of the best dentists in the country in Stony Brook Dental School and completed their general practice residencies at the Northport Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center and at the Bronx Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center. They both have had the privilege of providing comprehensive dental care to… Continue Reading

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Have a dental emergency? Need answers to your dental questions now? Ask questions for professional advice on products, procedures, techniques, second opinions, tips on how to treat specific dental conditions, and any other questions you may have. DENTAL EMERGENCY HOTLINE 844-71-TOOTH (86684) Continue Reading


​Implant Surgery and Prosthetics Cosmetic Dentistry – Veneers, Bonding Zoom! One-Hour Teeth Whitening Cerec One-Visit Crowns Invisalign Mercury-Free Restorations Full Mouth Rehabilitations Dentures Managing & Treating Gum Disease Dental Implants Root Canal Therapy   Continue Reading

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Blog Posts are Below:

What to Look for in a Modern Dental Office

What should you look for in a modern dental office? Gone are the days when dental offices had trays filled with putty and strange looking dental instruments. However, things are vastly different as dental experts value efficiency and comfort. With more and more experts using advanced technologies, opting for a dental office that offers a… Continue Reading

What are the Most Common Teeth to Get Cavities?

What are the most common teeth to get cavities? A good rule of thumb is to thoroughly brush your teeth and floss between the little crevices inside your teeth. However, it would help if you also remembered that some teeth could be especially susceptible to cavities. Therefore, when brushing, you should be careful of these… Continue Reading

The Root Canal Procedure

Dentists often consider the root canal procedure a last resort effort to save a tooth. Often, when the cavities finally reach the pulp of the tooth, then a root canal procedure becomes more necessary. However, many people need to understand how the procedure works and often have wrong interpretations based on hearsay. Fortunately, a root… Continue Reading

Most Common Reasons to Visit an Emergency Dentist

What are some of the most common reasons to visit an emergency dentist? Dental care can be quite confusing for many people. Sometimes, people delay it until their condition worsens and is difficult to treat. If you or someone you know experience unbearable pain from a dental injury or ailment, it would be best to… Continue Reading

How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

How do you go about fixing a chipped tooth? When you’re eating a hard piece of candy or crunching on ice only to realize that something hard inside your mouth doesn’t dissolve or melt, there is a good chance that it’s a chipped tooth. While the enamel covering the teeth is arguably the hardest tissue,… Continue Reading

Molars? Canines? Different Types of Teeth Explained

What are the different types of teeth? Teeth can help individuals speak, eat, and smile while allowing you to make your face look much fuller. An individual’s teeth are often made of various layers, including cementum, pulp, dentin, and enamel. (Source) Enamel is the hardest substance in the body and acts as the tooth’s outer… Continue Reading

All About Teeth Whitening

Learning all about teeth whitening will help you in deciding if this procedure is for you. Flossing and brushing your teeth is one of the best ways to keep that smile of yours bright and healthy. However, with time, you might notice that your teeth are yellowing or are not as bright as they used… Continue Reading

Types And Uses Of Dentures

What are some types and uses of dentures? Whether you have dentures or want to get them, you may have a few questions. If so, continue reading this piece as we will talk about what dentures are, the care required for them, and how they can help improve oral health. Dentures: What Are They? Dentures… Continue Reading

Adult Dentistry vs. Pediatric Dentistry

What are the differences between adult dentistry and pediatric dentistry? Everyone grows two pairs of teeth in life: their primary teeth (baby teeth) and permanent ones (Adult teeth). And as children’s teeth start to grow, you will likely have to make an important decision when choosing between adult dentistry and pediatric dentistry. (Source) Although both… Continue Reading

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Are you wondering what wisdom tooth extraction feels like? If you’re ready to have your wisdom tooth pulled by the right dentist near you, this post will answer a few of your most important questions regarding wisdom tooth extraction in Staten Island. The procedure is relatively simple and doesn’t involve as many complications compared to… Continue Reading

When Does a Tooth need a Root Canal?

When does a tooth need a root canal? Root canal is a procedure that cleans out the decay and affected pulp from teeth. The procedure involves removing the bad pulp, cleaning the inside of a tooth, and finally, filling and sealing it. Often, the dentist puts a dental crown on the top of the affected… Continue Reading

Types of Dental Oral Surgery

What are the different types of oral surgery? Are you struggling with an oral dental issue and require immediate assistance? You’re reading the right post! In this small blog, we will help you learn about some of the most common dental surgeries. Although 63% of US adults over 18 had a dental visit in the… Continue Reading

Tooth Bonding & Repair

How does tooth bonding & repair work? Do you ever wonder how your teeth are so strong that you can chew hard food and even bite several tough surfaces without experiencing pain? Thanks to the hardest tissue in your body, i.e., enamel, that keeps your teeth intact and durable for a long time. Enamel is… Continue Reading

Staten Island Emergency Dentist

In 2018, over 2 million patients visited a dentist for emergency dentistry. Therefore, the need for readily available dental treatment and medication is essential. The number of emergency visits will keep growing as more people start having dental issues. However, most people don’t understand the symptoms that emergency dentists treat. In this post, we will… Continue Reading

Best Pediatric Dentists

What makes the best pediatric dentists? The pediatric dental workforce refers to a special field of dentistry where healthcare professionals help infants and young children deal with oral and dental health issues. Pediatric dentists deal with oral and dental issues pertaining to infants, children, and teenagers. They carry experience and special knowledge about a child’s… Continue Reading

Fixing Your Teeth: Dental Crowns

What are dental crowns, and how can they help fix your teeth? Over 178 million US citizens are missing one or more teeth. The statistics show how US citizens must be more aware of gum diseases, dental disorders, and oral diseases. That way, US citizens will have a higher chance of gaining the necessary treatment… Continue Reading

Fixing a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth isn’t just unpleasant to look at, but is highly hazardous to your overall oral health. Whether you have one chipped tooth or more, it can pose a serious threat to your overall dental health. It can give rise to cavities, root canal infections, and deterioration or loss of the whole affected tooth… Continue Reading

Causes of Bleeding Gums

Are you suffering from bleeding gums? If you require immediate assistance from the most reliable dentist and orthodontists near you, read this post until the end. In this post, we will learn about bleeding gums, what they are, and what causes them. Furthermore, we will also discuss a few options that professional dentists resort to… Continue Reading

Best Types of Professional Teeth Whitening

What’s up with professional teeth whitening? Are you longing for a bright smile that leaves a lasting impression on your loved ones? You can make that happen through professional teeth whitening procedures. Of course, you can go for tooth-whitening toothpaste and teeth-whitening strips, but professional cleaning is always more effective. Professional teeth whitening procedures at… Continue Reading

All About Dental Implants 2022

Dental implants in 2022 make up one of the broadest fields of research and treatment in the dentistry world. To help you understand what it’s about, we have summed up some of the most important and useful concepts in a single post to help you understand more about it. For example, dental implants are a… Continue Reading