Tooth Extraction Causes, Process, and Aftercare

Tooth extraction, as the name suggests, is the process by which a dentist removes your tooth. This is a common treatment in adults even though they have permanent teeth. Here are some common reasons a dentist may recommend tooth extraction:

  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay or infection
  • Crowded teeth
  • Damage from trauma

Tooth Extraction Causes, Process, Aftercare

If your doctor recommends tooth extraction and you are curious as to what it is about, you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss common problems that require tooth extraction and what you should expect from the procedure. If you are experiencing severe pain and want to consult a professional dentist, contact Ideal Smiles Dental. Experienced dentists in our facility will examine your teeth to suggest the best possible treatment.

Causes for Tooth Extraction

Permanent teeth last forever, but in some cases, tooth removal becomes necessary. There are numerous reasons you may require a tooth extraction. For instance, if you develop rapidly growing tooth decay or bacterial infection, a professional dentist will recommend a tooth extraction. Here are some other common reasons you should get this procedure:

1.     A Crowded Mouth

A dentist will remove your tooth before preparing your mouth for orthodontia. Orthodontia is a type of dentistry that involves procedures for teeth alignment. So, when a dentist finds that your teeth are bigger than your mouth can handle, they will remove a tooth. Removing a tooth will give your teeth enough space to move and take proper positions. Also, if your growing tooth cannot move to pass the gum because of spacing issues, a dentist will remove the tooth.

2.     Infection

Bacteria in your mouth can cause infection if you leave food lingering on your enamel. Once bacteria break the enamel, it causes infection in the dentin and tooth pulp. Tooth pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissues. When the infection reaches the innermost layer of the tooth, it causes inflammation. Swelling of the pulp puts pressure on the nerves, causing a sensation and severe pain. A doctor can protect your tooth by performing a root canal. But, when the infection is severe, they have to remove the whole tooth.

3.     Risk of Infection

When you are about to get chemotherapy or an organ transplant, the risk of developing an infection can also be a reason for tooth extraction. This is especially when your immune system is weak because your doctor will advise you to remove the tooth.

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

The doctor will also suggest tooth removal when you develop periodontal disease. You will develop the periodontal disease because of an infection of the bones and tissues around your teeth. In this disease, the socket holding your tooth will grow weak and let go of your tooth.

Process of Tooth Extraction

While removing teeth from the socket, a professional dentist will inject local anesthesia into the gum. This will numb the location so you won’t feel any pain. However, you will experience some discomfort. During the procedure, you will stay awake and can observe the procedure. A dentist will use general anesthesia for children, so they remain asleep throughout the process. Similarly, if they have to remove multiple teeth in adults, they will use strong general anesthesia.

To remove the tooth, dentists use a dental elevator. This device will help the doctor hold and rock the tooth. The doctor will first move the tooth back and forth to loosen up the socket. Then, they will use dental forceps to remove the tooth. Tooth extraction is not a long procedure. You can leave for home after the removal and continue your daily activities.

Best Tooth Extraction Dentist

Sometimes, when the tooth’s root is tightly attached to the socket, the simple tooth extraction won’t work. In this case, the dentist will break the tooth into pieces and remove the pieces from the socket. They may also cut the bone tissue and gum and use forceps to remove the tooth or pieces.

Aftercare for a Tooth Extraction

After tooth removal, you need to practice additional care unless your wound completely heals. A dentist will suggest a proper method for aftercare according to the location and type of the extraction. Normally, you will recover from the pain and swelling within seven to ten days. After the procedure, the dentist will place some cotton in the socket to prevent bleeding. Here are some tips you can follow to boost the recovery process:

  • Consume prescribed painkillers.
  • Take a 24-hour nap after the procedure and halt your daily activity for few days.
  • You can prevent dislodging of a blood clot by avoiding straw as well as spitting and rinsing your mouth.
  • Apply an ice bag to the infected area. Do not keep an ice pack for too long as it can cause tissue damage.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Raise your head while sleeping, as it will boost the recovery process.
  • Brush and floss your teeth while avoiding the infected area.

Tooth Extraction: Conclusion

Do you live in New York City and want to consult a dentist? Give us a call to speak with our experienced dentists. At Ideal Smiles Dental, we ensure that you receive proper care for your oral health.

2955 Veterans Rd. W, Suite 2G
Staten Island, NY 10309




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