Wisdom Tooth Removal

What is the process of wisdom tooth removal? Wisdom teeth are the four permanent teeth that you grow around the age of 17 to 20. In normal conditions, these teeth grow in the back corner of your jaw. These teeth are beneficial as they increase your chewing power. However, in some cases, the tooth may not grow normally due to various reasons. Maybe your fully grown teeth are blocking the path of the wisdom tooth, or the tooth itself is growing in the wrong direction. When the wisdom tooth doesn’t grow normally, you need to go through a tooth extraction procedure. This is a surgical procedure that takes place in a dentist’s office.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

When the wisdom teeth don’t have enough space to grow out of the gum, it causes severe pain. You are also at risk of developing an infection or other oral health problems. The only solution to this problem is pulling the tooth out of the canal. You can visit an oral surgeon or a local dentist for wisdom tooth extraction. If you want to remove your wisdom tooth in NYC, you can visit Ideal Smiles Dental. In our clinic, you can consult with highly professional dentists and oral surgeons.

Reasons to Have Wisdom Tooth Removal

When wisdom teeth come in, you will feel severe pain. These teeth will tear apart your jaw, making room at the back of your mouth. Sometimes, due to various obstructions, wisdom teeth don’t grow normally. In this case, you need to visit a dentist and get the tooth removed. Here are some reasons why you need to take wisdom tooth removal:

1.     Trapped Inside Jawbone

Your gums or jawbones can trap the wisdom tooth. This happens because the tooth grows at the back of your mouth. This can cause abnormal growth and severe pain.

2.     Wrong Angle

This tooth can press against your fully grown teeth. This happens when the tooth is growing at the wrong angle. When the tooth pushes the root of the other tooth, you will experience pain and discomfort.

3.     Small Mouth

People with small mouths can also develop problems with the growth of wisdom teeth. When there is little room for the extra set of molars, they disrupt the alignment of other teeth.

4.     Gum Diseases and Cavities

Because wisdom teeth grow at the back of your jaw, you may find them difficult to clean. An unhygienic tooth can develop gum diseases, infections, and cavities.

The Procedure of Wisdom Tooth Removal

Upon your visit, the dentist will diagnose the condition of your tooth. Also, they will view the situation inside the gum through X-ray images. These images can help them visualize the size and angle of the tooth. Furthermore, they can determine the complexity of the tooth and the treatment option that will go best.

·       Anesthesia

As the procedure for removing the wisdom tooth can be painful, the dentist will give you an injection of local anesthesia. This will numb the surrounding area of the wisdom tooth. As a result, the dentist can remove the tooth without causing you pain and discomfort. Also, the sedatives will keep you relaxed. A doctor may also use general anesthesia depending on the condition of your tooth. Especially when the dentist will conduct the procedure in the hospital, they will use general anesthesia to keep you unconscious. Whether you receive local or general anesthesia, you can go home the same day after the tooth removal.

·       Wisdom Tooth Removal

There are two methods to remove the wisdom tooth. The dentist will perform a simple procedure when the tip of the tooth is out of the gum. They will shake the tooth with a dental excavator. Once the tooth roots become loose, they will pull it out from the socket. However, when the tooth doesn’t pop out of the gum, the dentist will perform the second treatment. In this tooth removal method, the oral surgeon will make a tiny cut on the gum exposing the tooth. After that, they will break the tooth into smaller pieces to easily remove it from the canal.

You won’t feel pain in both of these methods as the dentist will numb the area. However, if you feel the pain, you can talk with the doctor so they can give an additional dose of anesthesia. The complete procedure will take around 20 minutes. Once the doctor removes the tooth, you can go home.

·       After the Surgery

If the dentist cuts the gums, they will close the opening with dissolving stitches. Usually, the stitches may dissolve in seven to ten days. Also, the doctor will put some gauze on the extraction site. They will ask you to put pressure on the gauze for few hours. When the effect of anesthesia wears off, you will start feeling pain. In that case, you can take OTC medication such as Ibuprofen.

Best Wisdom Tooth Removal Staten Island

Wisdom Tooth Removal: Conclusion

If you are looking for a professional dentist for wisdom tooth removal and other oral conditions, give us a call at 718-535-1196. We have experienced and highly qualified dentists in our facility that will ensure complete oral care and perform surgeries in a safe environment. Want to make an appointment? Give us a call now.

2955 Veterans Rd. W, Suite 2G
Staten Island, NY 10309






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